Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week Four......

Let's call this week: FAIL
We can chalk it up to being snowed in and a spousal penchant for sweets (which I was unable to withstand)
Starting over. NOW.

On another note I am feeling physically MUCH healthier and I will tell you what I've been doing.
If you've talked to me personally any time in the last few months you'll know that I've been complaining of just not feeling good. Aches in my joints, depression, and just an overall sense of yuckiness.

Well, a few weeks ago I went to the doctor who wanted to put me on Zoloft for my problems which she attributed to the physical manifestations of depression. Do you know me? If so, I am just about the LEAST depressed person I know. But having two small kids and taking care of them practically by yourself is hard and has it's depressing moments. So I researched it and I just wasn't happy with what I read. I decided to research natural cures for depression and found that a lot of the symptoms can be caused by a lack of certain vitamins and minerals. I decided to try them ALL.

I did not, however, take a very scientific approach to this experiment and instead of beginning one supplement at a time and noting it's effects, I just dove in head first and started taking most of them at once. I began to feel better within a few days! Let me tell you, my aches are gone, I have more energy, my digestion (which, while sparing you the lovely details, has always been WHACK) is so much better, and even my skin also seems to have cleared up and is smoother.

Are you ready? Here we go (oh and I suppose this is where I insert a disclaimer stating that I am in no way a doctor, not do I play one on TV and that of course before beginning any of these things you should consult with your doctor ):

Prenatal Vitamin (once a day) Brand: Centrum

Magnesium 250mg (once a day)

Iron 325mg (once a day) Brand: An RX from the doc

B-complex (once a day in the AM. This pill is AWE-SOME) Brand: Solaray from Whole Food Market

Flax Oil 1000mg (3x a day with food) Brand: Origin organic

Calcium, VitaminD, Vitamin K 500mg (2x a day) Brand: Adora Milk Chocolates from Whole Food Market

Green Super Food 1 scoop (3x a day after meals) Brand: Amazing Grass

Fiber Smart 1 scoop (3x a day with meals I mix it with the green super food in water and shoot it...it IS gross, but it works) Brand: Renew Life

In addition to ALL that crazy stuff I have been using coconut oil (per the recommendation of a friend) as a lotion on everyone. It smells delicious!

While I realize that is a lot of pills, I feel that it is so worth it. I feel a thousand times better. I am not introducing foreign chemicals into my body that trick my brain into believing a falsehood about the chemicals it's producing. I feel I am simply giving my body what it was lacking.

In addition to all of that I feel that the foods we eat also have a large impact on how we feel. This past week I did terrible. And while I don't necessarily eat processed foods, I ate far too much starch and dairy. This week I am going to stick to the original WW plan while trying to eliminate all but one serving a day of dairy from my diet.

Wish me luck! Again.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and your honesty. If I were blogging about my weight loss, I'd probably lie every time I "failed". Good for you.

    I'm surprised the iron isn't stopping you up, but I'm thinking the flax and fiber stuff is enough to combat it. David takes a zillion vitamins and look at him.

    Nothin' but love for ya!
