Monday, January 25, 2010

Week Three......

It's been ANOTHER week.
The time seems to be flying by.
This was another hard week for me. I have reached a point with my body that it fights me to shed every ounce. I think it's because I'm breastfeeding and my body is the type that likes to keep a layer of cushion on. Either way, I would get up every morning and weight myself and become so discouraged because I felt like here I am following a regimen that I've seen others have great success with and I'm BARELY losing anything.

Couple that with the fact that every time I try to go to the gym and put my girls in the kids room, I get paged about twenty minutes later to come and get Ari who is screaming BLOODY MURDER. So, I managed to get two thirty minute workouts done at the gym this week (they were INTENSE though). I also got a bicycle trailer to pull my kids (I like to call it a mini rickshaw) and managed to bike about 15 miles total this week too.

Saturday evening I had eaten my allotted points for the day and then did a bad thing. I had a big bowl of Raisin Bran. It. Was. delicious. But not delicious to gain THREE pounds over! I know it can be water weight and other factors, I KNOW. But still. I was SO discouraged. I said EFF IT and ate more pizza than I care to admit to last night. And I felt like even more of a loser. But went to bed with the mentality that tomorrow was a new day and a new week and I would start fresh. And LO AND BEHOLD I LOST three pounds by this morning! I have no idea how that worked but I'm all cool with it.

So, I'm back on track today with the diet. getting ready to head to the gym and make the most of the fifteen or twenty minutes I get there. I'm praying that she gets better and gradually I can have an hour or so there.

I have to remind myself that this is a gradual process and just take one day, one meal at a time and do the best I can.

I have begun to add supplements to my diet and feel a noticeable change in my overall happiness and feeling of well being. They are: Magnesium, Fish Oils, Flax Oils, extra Iron, vitamin D, B complex, and take two glasses of diluted Apple Cider Vinegar daily.

Week three, here it is:

WEIGHT LOST WEEK THREE: .5lbs (Notice that that is POINT 5 lbs)


1 comment:

  1. I know how you lost the three pounds. Tee hee.

    Keep it up lady! And, I love that you get paged...reminds me of the HealthPlex with Ellie. I'd have hauled my butt down 40 minutes in the car only to spend ten minutes on the stairclimber with you and have you say, "Shoot, gotta go get mah kid."
