Saturday, January 2, 2010

Introductions Are in Order

My name's Jill.
Some of you may know me from my other blog, here.
In the past three years I have had two beautiful children, gained and lost substantial amounts of weight due to these pregnancies and the chaotic life that ensued.
I used to work out a lot.
I used to look good in shorts.
I used to be able to fit into all my jeans from high school.
Those things haven't been true for a while now.

But, I'm about to change all of that.

I am reclaiming my body once again.

I want not only to look good in my shorts again, but I want to FEEL good. The kind of feeling good that comes from being healthy, and taking care of my body like I used to.

It's hard to find the time when you have two or MORE (GASP!) small children for yourself. But you know what I decided? How can I be of service to anyone else, if I forsake taking care of myself?

And so I begin what may be a long and painful (at least at first) journey. The purpose of this blog is to encourage, inspire, motivate, and just share sympathy with the other women who are embarking on this journey with me. There are about 10 of us so far (HI LADIES!) and our ranks are growing daily. Some of us are embarking on this journey with different goals and different strategies, but we all have a common goal. To look and feel better.

To begin, I'll tell you where I'm at and my goals...and I'm even going to post some UNFLATTERING PHOTOS of myself! DUN DUN DUN!

I have given myself until June first to reach my goals.
Currently, I'm 5'8" and a (tight) size 10 (NO, I am not giving you my exact weight)
I would like to lose 25# and fit comfortably back into my size 6 clothes.
I am doing the South Beach diet and my goal is to go to the gym 5X a week.
For the first month I am just going to do one group fitness class a week.

I'm going to update this blog once a week (or more if I need to) with my progress or pitfalls. Please feel free to comment who you are (if you want) and where you're at and where you'd like to be. Or remain a quiet spectator to my journey. Whatever you do, wish me luck!

NOTE: I am having computer issues, so those unflattering photos will have to wait until my tech (Husband) gets home.


  1. Love it! I have hardly had a minute to read anyone's blogs or post anything on my own and feel like adding working out to my schedule will give me less time to do so, but I am in agreement with you - how can I take care of anyone else if I am not taking care of myself?!

    I plan on cutting all sweets from my diet. (Bye bye nightly chocolate fixes.) I also planning on walking Olivia every morning and then putting her down for her nap and working out at home. I just can't bring myself to put her in the disgusting daycare at our gym. I am also going to low-carb it and increase my water and FIBER intake.

    I am losing weight to get pregnant, people, so if that doesn't motivate me, I don't know what will!

  2. Wow! this is soo encouraging! i would like to lose 20lbs! tone my body and not be embarrassed to wear my bathing suit! i wanna feel hot again! and i know once i feel good about myself i will be motivated to do more all around and me nicer to my children :) it is soo true that if we dont put ourselves first as far as taking care of ourselves! i am def. w/ you on cutting sweets from my diet., drinkin waayy more water, not eating after 7, and eating more small meals! ohh and doing pilates :) this is soo great to have other moms to talk to who need to lose weight too!
