Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week One...

I'm sure glad that's over!
The past week was very difficult for me at times. I've had to deal with two sick kids, cabin fever, and a budgeting SNAFU (my fault...paid the wrong bills at the wrong time) that caused me to play "What Meals Can I Make Out of What's In the Pantry".

Side note: THIS site has an excellent tool at the top where you can enter ingredients you have on hand and it searches it's database of , like, a KA-TRILLION recipes and gives you a list of all the ones you can make with what you have. That saved my ample butt this week.

OK, back to the week. As I said before I started out doing the South Beach Diet. This diet has worked well for me in the past when I had only one child. I've never been successful on it with two kids. I was trying so hard to follow it and pretty much had to make myself a separate meal every time I made food for the rest of the family. That really blew....along with taking up precious time I didn't have, it was torturous to watch everyone eat really good stuff while I had vegetables and chicken.

So sometime Tuesday morning I had a mild breakdown over both of my children screaming inconsolably for what seemed like FOREVER for who knows what reason. And, like alot of people do, I found comfort in the bottom of a pint of Hagen Daaz. And NO, I did not eat the WHOLE pint....just most of it.

That was the point that I decided that I needed to switch gears for my own sanity and the well being of everyone in the line of my sugar deprived firing range. I switched over completely to Weight Watchers, which is the system I used to lose 50 pounds after Ellie was born.
I am a much happier person because I did this.

I only have to make one meal at dinner. I don't feel deprived. AND....I even had pizza Friday night with my family.

Oh, and I went to the gym once and did a spin class. IT NEARLY KILLED ME. But I felt pretty good afterward. I couldn't go for my other scheduled times because the kids were sick, but hopefully next week will be better.

That's my story for the first week....STAY TUNED



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